Pressmeddelande | 3 maj, 2023 | 08:00

Use phase stands for 88 per cent of GHG emissions

EU has recently approved the "Fit for 55" climate package with the aim of reducing net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 55 per cent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Energy-efficiency is high on the agenda to reach the climate goals and the lighting industry has a part to play.

Lighting accounts for up to 15 per cent of global energy consumption and by using the latest smart lighting solutions, we can potentially reduce energy consumption by up to 90 per cent. With our footprint, we know that in average 88 per cent of the lifetime GHG emissions of our luminaries comes from the use phase. That is why we put a lot of effort in contributing with new technology and knowledge to help our customers optimise the use of the luminaires. Besides that we are constantly developing our products to minimise resource consumption and waste as well as using recycled or renewable material.

Our goal is to be fully climate neutral by already 2045, including the usage of our products. That will need a lot of effort and innovation, not least in the field of smart lighting. We want to be the sustainability leader in the industry, and therefore we have set the following short- and long-term goals:


  • reduce direct and indirect GHG emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by 70 per cent by 2030, compared with 2021;
  • reduce other direct and indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3) by more than 30 per cent by 2030, compared with 2021; and
  • to achieve net-zero GHG emissions for the Fagerhult Group by 2045

We have developed climate goals to be validated by Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). This means that we will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions according to the 1.5 degree target in the Paris agreement. Our ambition is for the targets to be validated by SBTi in 2023.