Knowledge throws light on new ways.
We rely on research when developing new lighting solutions that benefit our three focus areas: people’s quality of life, our society and the environment. Science is a constant source of inspiration when creating ever more user-friendly, intelligent solutions.
The right light in the right place
Our brands constantly strive to create and develop innovative lighting solutions that go above and beyond our customers’ requirements. Exchanging ideas and new knowledge drives us forward, step by step, and we use the latest research findings in our product development. We also participate in highlighting new results and ground-breaking discoveries through collaborations with the academic world.
All our brands develop high-quality lighting solutions that focus on people who move through, spend time, work and live in the areas illuminated by our products. Factors such as a light quantity, direction, colour temperature, colour rendering and glare allow us to control the quality of light environments.

Smart lighting creates new added values
The rapid technological development provides new digital solutions for smart lighting, where lighting becomes part of a connected ecosystem. This leads to better light environments and new added value together with partners while we can simultaneously provide significant energy savings and reduce the carbon footprint.
Sensors in each luminaire allow us to create a granular network of data points that can be used to offer new services, for example adapting lighting according to outdoor weather, or adjusting ventilation based on how many people are in a room.
This is smart light
A luminaire equipped with a sensor controlling the light autonomously and that is connected with the external network to share data.

7 reasons for smart lighting
The benefits of smart lighting include better health, more efficiency, lower costs and environmental wins too.

Our technical solution - an open echo system
We have two smart lighting solutions within the Group. Organic Response for indoor environments such as schools, offices and hospitals, and Citygrid for outdoor lighting. The foundation for both of these solutions is to adapt lighting based on presence and actual needs, which enables significant energy savings in all environments.

Lighting contributing to better lives
When it comes to people’s well-being, studies in recent years have shown how important light intensity and color temperature can be, for example that light’s color temperatures can create warm light that has a soothing effect and helps us to relax, or cold light that energizes and activates us.
Continue exploring

The wireless office takes shape
At the asset manager M&G newly built office building a wireless solution was chosen where all lighting seamlessly react to changes in weather and environmental conditions.

Smart lighting revolutionising
e-commerce company
A total of more than 6,000 Organic Response sensors were installed throughout new head office. The result was an immediate save of energy and smart lighting control.

Smart lighting helps sea turtles
Care for the sea turtles’ habitat was an important factor when local authorities were selecting suppliers for lighting solutions for a new promenade outside of Brisbane, Australia.