Corporate Governance
Decentralised governance with responsible decision making is one of the Fagerhult Group’s strengths, and permeates the entire organisation. The objective of corporate governance is to ensure that this is conducted in a clear, effective, reliable and business oriented manner.
Corporate governance is designed to support the company’s long-term strategies, market presence and competitiveness. At the same time, it should help maintain confidence in the Fagerhult Group among stakeholders, such as; shareholders, customers, suppliers, capital markets, society and employees.

Key external regulations
- Swedish Companies Act
- NASDAQ Stockholm’s regulations
- Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the Code)
- Accounting Rules and Regulations
Key internal regulations
- Articles of Association
- Formal work plan for the Board of Directors and terms of reference for the CEO
- Guidelines for remuneration to senior management
- Various policy documents and instructions (such as the Group’s Code of Conduct)