Nomination procedure
Fagerhult Group AB has a nomination committee that consists of a representative for each of the four largest shareholders or groups of shareholders in terms of number of votes and the chairman of the board, co-opted with no voting rights.
The Nomination Committee is to be formed after the Chairman of the Board has identified the four largest shareholders in the Company in terms of the number of votes that are to make up the Nomination Committee along with the Chairman who is co-opted. The identity of these shareholders is to be based on the shareholders’ register and list of nominees maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB and refer to those shareholders registered under their own names or as members of an owner group as per 31 August 2024.
It shall not be necessary to change the composition of the Nomination Committee if only marginal changes in the ownership of shares occur after this date.
The mandate for the Nomination Committee is until a new Nomination Committee is appointed.
Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting in 2025
The Nomination Committee consists of the following individuals together with the names of the shareholders they represent; Jan Svensson as Chairman of the Board of Fagerhult Group AB, Anders Mörck, Investment AB Latour, Jan Särlvik, Fjärde AP-Fonden, Björn Henriksson, Nordea Funds and Sussi Kvart, Handelsbanken.
The Nomination Committee for the 2025 AGM is described above. The Committee’s representatives have broad and extensive experience of Board work and work on Nomination Committees.
The work of the Nomination Committee
The work of the Nomination Committee takes place during the end of the financial year and at the start of the new financial year. Prior to an AGM at which auditors are to be appointed, the Nomination Committee collaborates with the Audit Committee, which works with the evaluation of the work of the auditors. The Nomination Committee is to observe the guidelines that apply to independent Board members under the Swedish Corporate Governance Code when making nominations to the AGM. Shareholders have the opportunity to submit written proposals to the Nomination Committee.
Questions regarding the nomination committee shall be addressed to the Fagerhult Group’s CFO Michael Wood, [email protected].