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Interim Report | Financials | 10 Aug, 2007 | 09:00 | Regulatory

Fagerhult interim report January - June 2007

• Net sales MSEK 1,218 (1,041) • Income after financial items MSEK 71.3 (30.6) • Income after taxes – MSEK 50.3 (21.4) • Earnings per share SEK 3.98 (1.69) • Order intake MSEK 1,357 (1,100)

Comments from Group CEO Per Borgvall:
• Continued strong growth
• Income after financial items significantly improved, + 133%
• The Retail Lighting and Professional Lighting business areas are developing well
• Three acquisitions during the period, in Australia, Belgium and Ireland
• LampGustaf Inredning AB was sold, after the end of the period
