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Interim Report | Financials | 12 Aug, 2008 | 09:09 | Regulatory

Fagerhult, Interim Report January - June 2008

• Net sales MSEK 1,404 (1,218) • Operating profit MSEK 138.8 (80.8) • Income after taxes MSEK 94.5 (50.3) • Earnings per share SEK 7.51 (3.98) • Order intake MSEK 1,450 (1,357)

Comments from Group CEO Per Borgvall
• Continued good demand on all markets
• Second quarter is "all time high"
• Growth during the period was 15%, of which 14% was organic
• Operating profit improved by 72%
• The implementation of rationalisation and market investments have given results
• After the reporting period, an agreement regarding the sale of the home lighting company Belid was signed
