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Interim Report | Financials | 8 Feb, 2008 | 12:45 | Regulatory

Fagerhult, Year-End Report 2007

• Net sales MSEK 2,527 (2,162) • Profit after financial items MSEK 190.0 (82.7) • Profit after taxes MSEK 135.0 (58.2) • Earnings per share SEK 10.69 (4.60) • Order intake MSEK 2,802 (2,221) • Proposed dividend per share SEK 4.50 (3.75) per share

Comments from group CEO Per Borgvall:
• Record for both the whole 2007 and the fourth quarter
• Continued, consistent implementation of our growth, internationalisation and focus strategy
• Three acquisitions and a disposal were completed during the year; all acquisitions develop well
• Order intake increased by 26 %
• Sales increased by 17% of which 15% was organic growth
