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Interim Report | Financials | 21 Aug, 2014 | 11:39 | Regulatory

Interim Report January - June 2014

· The order intake was MSEK 1,952 (1,551), which is an increase of 16 per cent adjusted for currency effects and acquired units. · Net sales were MSEK 1,830 (1,430), an increase of 17 per cent adjusted for currency effects and acquired units. · The operating profit was MSEK 169.6 (85.3), representing an operating margin of 9.3 (6.0) per cent. · The profit after tax was MSEK 114.0 (55.0). · Earnings per share were SEK 3.01 (1.45). · During the quarter a 3:1 share split was completed, in accordance with the resolution adopted at the Annual General Meeting.

Comments by CEO Johan Hjertonsson:

  • A strong second quarter with high growth and an 85 per cent improvement in our operating profit.
  • Our strong offering in LED lighting solutions has increased the Group’s market shares over the past four quarters.
  • The share of LED solutions was 38 per cent during the three-month period and LED investments have been further accelerated.
  • At the beginning of the second quarter the order backlog had increased by over MSEK 100 year on year, excluding acquired units.
  • Cash flow was strong, as growth has been achieved with a low level of capital tied up.