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Interim Report | Financials | 23 Oct, 2018 | 10:11 | Regulatory

Interim Report January – September 2018

· Order intake was MSEK 4,400.5 (3,939.3), which is an overall growth of 11.7% adjusted to 0.4% for acquisitions of MSEK 317.3 and currency effects of MSEK 127.1 · Net sales were MSEK 4,132.9 (3,850.4), which is an overall growth of 7.3% adjusted to -3,4% for acquisitions of MSEK 290.0 and currency effects of MSEK 123.5 · Operating profit was MSEK 500.2 (505.5) representing a 1.0% decrease with an operating margin of 12.1 (13.1)% · Earnings after tax were 348.9 (352.8), a decrease of 1.1% · Earnings per share were SEK 3.05 (3.09). · Cash flow from operating activities was MSEK 90.7 (405.1)

Comments from CEO Bodil Sonesson:

  • The Group continues to deliver solid results while the lighting industry is experiencing some challenges.
  • The year-to-date overall order intake is ahead of last year by 11.7% and after adjusting for acquisitions and currency effects the organic order intake is ahead of last year by 0.4%. The total order stock is ahead of last year by 18.4%.
  • The year to date overall net sales is ahead of last year by 7.3% and after adjusting for acquisitions and currency effects the organic net sales has declined 3.4%. The  operating margin has been improving during the year from 10.9% in Q1 to in 11.7% Q2 to a stronger 13.5% in the current quarter.
  • In most of the Group’s main business areas we see a consistent and good level of activity for enquiries, quotations and order income. In the UK we notice a continued tough market with lower construction activity levels as the uncertainty from Brexit grows due to the approaching March 2019 timeframe.
  • Investments in medium term growth activities continue to make progress and look to deliver positive returns in coming quarters.
  • Q3 operating profit at 195.0 (192.2) MSEK is another record high for the Group and results from overall strong organic margin development and successful integration of new acquisitions.
  • We continue to have reason to be positive about the near term future with a general good activity level, healthy order backlog and some encouraging signs from growth investments. The Group’s decentralised model is a key part of the success.
  • “I look forward to working in the Fagerhult Group and to continue the strong development into the future,”  new CEO, Bodil Sonesson.