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Responsible operations

We take full responsibility for all of our operations. Together with suppliers, customers and other partners, we are creating a sustainable value chain. We deliver professional lighting solutions which are circular, safe and that contribute to better lives.

We are to take responsibility for the negative and positive impacts that Fagerhult Group has along the value chain. In the supplier stage, we are to ensure that our partners respect human rights and that they work systematically to reduce their impact on the environment and climate. We help to strengthen our suppliers’ sustainability efforts whenever possible.

All companies in the Group are to act in accordance with the framework established by our shared sustainability agenda, Positive change for better living. We are to develop our products to support healthy and safe environments and to ensure cyber and product safety. No one should be negatively impacted by our operations or by our products and solutions.

Through our wide geographic spread with operations in a large number of countries, our operations can affect a variety of stakeholders, not least regarding human rights and cyber security. Before every business acquisition, a due diligence process is conducted from both an environmental and climate perspective, as well as our ethical requirements. We are firmly committed to working together with our suppliers, business partners and other stakeholders to promote human rights and create a positive social impact.


  • Continue work on climate adaptation of our factories.
  • We will develop a clearer process for sustainability due diligence. 

Our work with responsible operations

We support and respect basic human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, not least through our work with labour conditions and working environments, both within the Group and at our partners. We conduct comprehensive work to ensure ethical, sustainable business in all parts of operations. Our climate risk analysis indicate that our companies and facilities, in the short and long term, will be affected by the consequences of climate change, including higher temperatures, water intrusion and energy shortages leading to high prices. That is why we work to identify risks and prevent potential negative consequences. But we also see opportunities. Demand and requirements for environmentally effective products and solutions will likely increase and we see opportunities for new markets and stakeholders.

Highlighted actions 

  • Our smart lighting offering Organic Response has been ISO 27001 certified.
  • The implementation of our policies for human rights, working conditions and conflict minerals, which are included in our Code of Conduct for business partners, continues.