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Press Release | 4 Jun, 2007 | 09:00 | Regulatory

Fagerhult acquires Project Lighting Equipment in Ireland

In order to further strengthen its international growth, strong position in the European Lighting Industry and to create a platform for growth on the Irish market, Fagerhult today announces the acquisition of the Irish Lighting company Project Lighting Equipment Ltd. The acquisition will have a positive effect on the full year profit per share in 2007.

"It is in our strategy to be among the top three Lighting Systems providers in Europe through profitable growth. With this acquisition we further strengthen our position in the European Lighting Industry and in the fast growing Irish market", says Per Borgvall, CEO Fagerhult.
"We have been in successful co-operation with Project Lighting Equipment for many years and know each other well", he continues.

Project Lighting Equipment, based in Dublin has a healthy profit, growth momentum and a well established position in the Irish market. The business will be financially consolidated into the Fagerhult Group as of 1 July 2007. After the acquisition the Fagerhult annual sales turnover in Ireland will be approx €2,5m.

Habo 4 June 2007

For more information, please contact:

Per Borgvall
tel: +46 36 10 87 06
mobile: +46 70 655 45 44

Ulf Karlsson
Financial Director
tel: +46 36 10 85 63
mobile: +46 70 537 04 54
